Cycle Tracking for Single Women
Every woman— between puberty and menopause—
benefits from cycle tracking.
Both the AAP and ACOG have issued opinion statements* about the important of recognizing a woman’s menstrual cycle as a vital sign.

Unleashing your feminine genius begins with understanding your basic, inherent biology.
Cycle Awareness 101 Course $25
A one-hour self-paced online course to learn:
-basics of the menstrual cycle hormones
-how to track 3 common biomarkers of fertility
-cycle red flags
-cycle wellness
Additional included resources:
-chart (paper and online spreadsheet)
-written instructional handout

Note: This course is designed for college-age women and older.
Follow up (optional)​: $75/year
The Cycle Awareness 101 Course does not include follow up.
If you are interested in working one-on-one with an instructor, please fill out this form:
What about cycle tracking for teens?
We have friends who have made great content for teens! Send us a message for links to those courses.