Marquette Model NFP
The Marquette Model of NFP came on the scene in the late 90s. A research team at Marquette University, compromised of doctors and nurses, developed this innovative method to monitor fertility while utilizing the technological advances of the time.
The ability to use the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with either other markers of fertility (i.e. cervical mucus or temperature) or a scientifically-based algorithm, provides women and couples with a 21st century option to optimize their unique NFP experience.
Common Marquette Model Questions
Does it work?
Yes! Marquette Model is 99.4% effective for women in regular cycles. For the research buffs, here ya go!
How much time does it take?
You can be done with your NFP charting before your coffee is done brewing. Test your hormone levels once a day, and then go on with your busy life!
What is the advantage of tracking urinary hormones compared to monitoring other fertility bio-markers?
In a word: objectivity. Using the fertility monitor to directly measure hormone levels is both accurate and objective.
It’s also easy to learn. A single introductory session, lasting one hour, is enough to get most women started.
Follow ups are focused around understanding your unique fertility findings rather than a lengthy process to master the technique itself.
Do I *have* to use the monitor?
Although many women and couples prefer to use the monitor, it is not required in order to practice Marquette Model. MM has a mucus protocol, there is a protocol in development for the use of only LH strips, and daily basal body temperature can be incorporated, as well.
For young women simply seeking to track their menstrual cycle for health management, the mucus protocol can be enough.
In certain life stages, such as the breastfeeding postpartum transition, the monitor is increasingly helpful given the unreliability of mucus as a fertility marker during this time.
​An instructor can work with each woman to find the best combination of monitoring options for her lifestyle.
Who teaches Marquette Model? What kind of training do you go through?
NFP is healthcare. Marquette Model instructors are licensed healthcare professionals. The instructor program is through Marquette University’s College of Nursing and is the equivalent of 2-3 college courses, depending on the specific scope of practice of the instructor.
As medical professionals, we bring the patient-centered care, individualized to YOUR needs, that is expected in every other field of healthcare.
Is Marquette Model a one-size-fits-all approach?
One size {almost} never fits all in healthcare. Fertility management is no different. Marquette Model of NFP is individualized to YOU.
The Marquette Model has specific, researched-backed protocols for women in regular cycles, breastfeeding women, and women approaching menopause.
You can use the monitor alone, you can add in mucus or temperature monitoring.
YOU decide the best fit for YOUR lifestyle, and we work to make it effective for your needs.