Words Matter
There are a few words I will not use when communicating with my NFP clients. They are commonly used by my clients, but in my responses, I...
Words Matter
Love, use, and the NFP crucible
Marriage and postpartum depression
Can you say "no"?
“Holy desire” or just horny?
Toxic teachings ruining marital intimacy
Fertile Window Frustration
Arm wrestling with Jesus
Prayer for NFP Couples
Is it time for another?
NFP & Bodily Autonomy: Self-Knowledge
Does MM give us too much control?
Mental Health Awareness Month
Body Literacy: Progesterone
Catholics, can we please stop using this phrase?
Body Literacy: Fertility + Aging
Body Literacy: Mental Health + Menstrual Cycles
Body Literacy: Breastfeeding + Fertility
Body Literacy: Menstrual Cycle 101